Pajama Party Help Page

Thank you for registering for this year’s Pajama Run and Walk benefiting Maryland breast cancer families. This year you have your choice of several sites to gather with your Pajama Party Posse to walk or run. Heck, you can even choose a location of your own. What follows are ideas and instructions meant to help you reach out, raise money, and most importantly, have a great time funding treatment support for women like Tammie who thought she was going to lose her electricity while in chemo. Funds raised by people like you kept her lights on and her home warm.

Register! Start by registering yourself, your family members, your co-workers. You may register multiple people with one transaction. When you register 4 or more adults, each registration qualifies for a $5 discount. When prompted during registration, say “Yes” when asked if you want to be a fundraiser. Click here to register.

Recruit #1! Now that you’re a fundraiser, set up your own fundraising page. Follow the online prompts and be certain to personalize your story. Ask people to join your Pajama Party Posse by taking action to join your Posse or to make a donation to you or your Posse. And remember, just because they live out of state doesn’t mean they can’t party with you. There is a virtual option.

Recruit #2! Not everyone is cut out to be a fundraiser, but none of us is meant to walk or run alone. If you’re not taking the fundraising leap, you can still invite people to participate even if you don’t form a PJ Posse. Don’t be shy about sharing the registration site address Pass it along to people you’d like to spend 30 minutes to an hour with.

You Do You! You don’t have to run. There’s no need to walk. And you certainly don’t need to do 5K. If you choose to move, feel free to count the steps from the bedroom to the kitchen. Choose whatever activity suits your comfort zone. Do a happy hour. Meet up for brunch. And if you’re bold enough, show up in your PJs!

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